Prophetic Deliverance Training

"For we are not ignorant of Satan's schemes..." 2 Corinthians 2:11
Prophetic Deliverance focuses on discovering what it is that gives the enemy authority to come against a believer. It is guided by the Holy Spirit moving in the gifts of prophecy, words of knowledge, and discernment of spirits.
In Freedom 360º, Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry are combined in order to get the complete results of wholeness in the individual's life through the name of Jesus Christ.
6-week class.
In-person & Online sessions via Zoom App- a link will be provided to you.
Classes consist of training followed by Q&A.
Inner healing & deliverance group ministry.
Homework will be given which will establish knowledge received.
Available Session
Prophetic Deliverance 101
Recognizing Spiritual Warfare
This training will teach you how the enemy works, how to pray for healing from past wounds and for Freedom for yourself, and how to engage in Spiritual Warfare as God's chosen Warrior in order to claim the victory Jesus gained and released over you at the Cross.
Difference Between Evil Oppression and Possession,
The Implications of Renunciation and Repentance,
Breaking Strongholds, and Judgements,
What Gives the Enemy Legal Rights,
What Forgiveness is Not,
Prayers for Deliverance,
Inner Healing,
Plus Deliverance Ministry!
Classes meet on Mondays at 7:00 PM.
beginning June 17, 2024.
Registration $150.00
Taking Deliverance 101 was certainly an eye-opener!
After attending several lessons and guided deliverance prayers, the time of reckoning was upon me ( I say that in the most endearing way). The Holy Spirit gently began to reveal and remove the harmful aspect of my personality. Not only was it revealed, but an explanation of its origin was given. Following that, truth and deliverance were applied. This was in my alone time.
A second positive deliverance was during the commencement of the class. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Silvia administered the means of ancestral deliverance. Past soul ties were severed. Freedom and power followed. I would recommend this course, as essential, for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the mysteries and role of the Holy Spirit. This class not only provides knowledge but offers its practical application. Psalm 42:7 would be a fitting description for this course: "deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterspouts: all Your waves and billows are gone over me".